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Car Prep


The Vintage Drivers Club of America aims to promote, preserve and encourage the use of historic racing cars in as close to their original state as possible. VDCA intends to create an environment where the “pleasure of taking part” must exceed the desire to “win at all costs.” We want to race in an environment where there is a spirit of safety and an atmosphere of friendly competition. We want to create a place for well prepared cars which are faithful to their period of construction and competition, and we seek to relive the lost era in motorsports when sport and sportsmanship were paramount. Authenticity and appearance of the cars is much more important than their speed potential. It is essential that all competitors know and respect the limits of their cars and themselves.

Cars that are prepared in the spirit of period correct presentation will be classified more favorably than cars which are not presented in period correct specification. Minor deviations from the vehicle preparation rules that affect the performance of a vehicle will likely result in that car’s being moved to a higher class within a race group. As an example, a car normally classified as G-production will be classified as F-production for larger carburetors, incorrect suspension specification or other incorrect specifications affecting performance.


Major deviations from the vehicle preparation rules that affect performance will likely result in the car’s being excluded from competition. If you are in doubt as to whether your car falls into this category, contact technical director, Doug Meis

General Vehicle Preparation

All oil, fuel, water and brake lines must be secure and free of leaks.  Catch cans must contain any possible overflow or blow-by from engine, radiator or transmission and are mandatory.  All drain plugs must be safety wired.


All cars except for formula cars must have at least one brake light in working order.


All cars must have mirrors fitted which provide the driver adequate rearward visibility and visibility on both sides of the car.


Hoods, deck lids, doors and other body components must be securely fastened.


Batteries must be securely mounted with a metal hold-down.  The hot terminal must be insulated. 


Competition numbers at least eight inches in height must be clearly displayed on both sides of the car.


Antifreeze is prohibited.


Headlights and other breakable glass must be taped.


There must be an electrical cut-off switch to isolate the battery and cut off the ignition. The switch must also cut-off electric fuel pumps.  The switch must be accessible from the outside of the car and clearly marked.

Vehicle Body

The body configuration will be as raced in the year of manufacture and shall be neat and clean. This applies to the outside, engine compartment and cockpit areas.  All body parts must be made of the same material and design as supplied by the manufacturer as standard during the car’s eligibility period.

Supplemental aerodynamic devices such as spoilers, air dams and wings are not permitted.  Fender flares and fender widening are permitted in Groups 5, 6 and 7 only if the actual car raced in that configuration in the year of production.  It is up to the entrant to substantiate any deviation in the body configuration of the car.


Interiors will be neat. Supplementary and replacement gauges are permitted.  Windshields may be replaced by approved materials such as plexiglass or lexan.


All exterior trim, including grills and headlight trim rings must be in place.  Bumper and lights may be removed.  Light openings must be covered by a panel and may not be used as ducting.


Commercial advertising is discouraged. Historically significant markings are encouraged.  The total non-historic advertising shall not exceed 100 square inches on each side of the car.


Wheel diameter and width must meet SCCA Production Car Specifications or FIA homologation for all production-based cars for the year of manufacture. Sports racing and modified cars must meet SCCA Modified category maximum wheel widths for their eligibility period.  FIA specifications will be accepted for cars constructed to FIA specifications.



Since many of our members also attend SVRA events and we generally accept most cars that are eligible for SVRA Groups 1/3/4/6/8 (& selected Group 2/5/7), SVRA tire rules (found on this page) are adopted for VDCA competition. Most Groups have a specified list of acceptable tires.


Specifically not allowed are the DOT legal "slick" tires offered by a number of manufacturers including Hoosier, Kumho, Toyo and Avon.  All tires with a couple of circumferential grooves and little or no other tread fall in this category.  There are plenty of alternatives to choose from if your car is in a Group that does not have a specified list of tires (Group 8 for example).  Any full tread, high performance street tire is acceptable.  If you need a dedicated competition tire, there are several treaded competition tires also available in most sizes.


If you have looked at the SVRA web site and you still don't know what tire you can use, email technical director, Doug Meis.



The correct engine displacement must be disclosed with certainty and accuracy.  The entrant is responsible for ascertaining the correct engine size and construction, even when the engine is built by an outside source.  Engines must be of the original type, displacement and design as originally fitted by the manufacturer and be in the correct location.

The following engine restrictions apply:


Engines may be over-bored to a maximum of .047” or 1.2mm.


Wet sump oiling systems may not be converted to dry sump.  Dry sump oiling systems are not permitted in the production based classes, unless the actual car was run in that configuration.


The fuel induction system must be as provided by the manufacturer.  Carburetors may not be changed to fuel injection or vice versa.  Production based cars must have carburetion of the original make, size and number as supplied by the manufacturer.  Larger carburetors are allowed if listed for that make and model in the appropriate SCCA production car specifications.  Cars equipped with larger carburetors that are not listed in the SCCA production car specifications will be moved to the next higher class within their race group.


Blocks and heads must be of the same material as provided by the manufacturer.  Modern aftermarket heads and blocks are specifically prohibited.


Electronic ignition is allowed but must be triggered from inside the distributor.



Transmissions must be as provided by the manufacturer at the time of construction. Reverse must work and be selectable by the driver when seated.  Gear ratios are free.



The system of suspension (spring type and number, shock absorber type and number) may not be changed and must attach to the stock factory mountings.


An anti-roll bar may be added or deleted front and/or rear.


Supplementary springing devices are prohibited.


Rod ends may replace factory bushed joints but the mounting points and geometry of the suspension may not be altered.


Springs and shocks are free, but lever shocks may not be replaced with tube shocks. 


Cars with leaf springs rear axles may add an axle locating bar (traction bar) on either side.  These bars will be mounted parallel to the frame and may not extend beyond the rear edge of the driver’s door.


All hubs, spindles, axles, axle housings, drive shafts, lug bolts, control arms, mounting points and other suspension parts may be strengthened or replaced for safety as long as the track width, wheel base and geometry are not altered. 



Braking systems must be of the same type as standard for the year of manufacture or as homologated by the original manufacturer for that year. Updating or backdating is not allowed.


Aftermarket brake calipers are prohibited


Dual-circuit braking systems are required except for any vehicle using brakes activated by cables.


Lining material is free.


Brake ducting is permitted as long as the ducts are not visible from outside of the car and exterior scoops are not added to the body.  Ducting may not extend through the driver’s compartment.


Vehicle Weight

The weight of the vehicle must meet the minimum weight specified in the 1972 SCCA production car specifications.  All production based sports cars and sedans have minimum weight specifications.

Vehicle Prep Guidelines
Driver's Equipment



Helmets must be rated SA2010 or newer.  As a reminder, we do not accept “SM” (motorcycle) rated helmets.  All drivers must wear adequate eye protection. The driver's name should be clearly visible on the back of the helmet.

Driving Suits

All drivers must wear a minimum of a double layer suit and one layer of underwear that covers the body from the neck to the wrists and ankles.  The suit and underwear must be made of fire resistant material (Nomex, etc.) and must total at least three layers (i.e. 3-layer suit or a 2 layer suit with underwear).  FIA homologated suits are recommended.  Underwear is not required for suits carrying an SFI rating of 3-2A/5 or higher.  All drivers must wear gloves, shoes and socks of fire resistant material (gloves and shoes may be leather).  Drivers with facial hair or exposed hair must wear fire resistant hoods.

Seat Belts & Arm Restraints

All cars must be equipped with a standard five or six point harness. All harnesses must have a date of manufacturer not older than five years from the date of competition.  Properly adjusted arm restraints are required in any car without a roof. Sedans and coupes may have either a window net or the driver may use an arm restraint on the arm nearest the window.  Arm restraints should be attached to the forearm and limit the movement of the driver’s hands to just above the helmet.


Head & Neck Support

Head and neck restraint devices and systems are required.

Roll Bar

Rollover protection is required in all cars.  All cars must have roll bar or roll structure which is two inches higher than the driver’s head when seated in the car.  The design and structure of the roll bar or rollover structure is left up to the car owner, but should follow sound engineering standards.  There must be a padded headrest within 6” of the driver’s helmet.  All parts of the car or roll bar that could come in contact with the drivers head must be padded.


Fire Extinguishers

All cars must be equipped with a dry chemical or halon fire extinguisher of at least 2 pounds, securely mounted with a metal quick release device within reach of the driver or an on-board fire suppression system of at least the same capacity.  Fire suppression systems are highly recommended.


Fire Walls

There shall be a firewall separating the driver’s compartment from the engine and fuel tank.  Undertrays should have drain holes.  These items should be constructed so as to prevent fluids and flames from passing into the cockpit.


Fuel Cells

Except for Group 8 Improved Touring Cars, all cars must have a fuel cell that meets FIA FT-3 specifications.


Towing Eyes

All cars should have a dedicated towing eye or other means to attach a tow strap to the front and back of the car.

Driver Conduct and the 13/13 Rule

All drivers are subject to the VDCA 13/13 driver conduct rule.  The VDCA 13/13 Rule states that if you are involved in an incident that causes damage to your car or that of another competitor, you can be excluded from the remainder of that event.  Further, you may be excluded from future VDCA events or placed on probation for a period of up to 13 months.  Additional incidents occurring during a period of probation may result in further exclusions and/or an extended period of probation.

Still have questions? Email technical director, Doug Meis.



19216 SE Karin ST
Hobe Sound, FL 33455



772 486 2737


Race Director – Mike Ennis

Email Mike


Technical Director – Doug Meis

Email Doug


Chief Registrar – Christine Nettleship

Email Christine

Note: Copies of renewals and medicals can be sent via e-mail.  If mailing a check, send to  Christine at 2858 Pine Bloom Way, Leland, NC, 28451


Chief of Tech – Mike Kennedy

Email Mike



Chief of Timing & Scoring  – Neil Harmon

Email Neil


Publications  – Sandy Jackson

Email Sandy



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